What are the Causes of Impotence?

Contrary to common belief among affected men, there is no clear link between antihypertensive medications and erectile dysfunction. Dr. Erhard Konig, a Bremen-based cardiologist, says that if erectile dysfunction is present, men need to interpret the warning sign correctly.

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Because not only are hormones, psyche, and nervous system involved in maintaining erection but also a healthy vascular function.

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“Erectile dysfunction could be a sign of cardiovascular disease. Konig says that anyone affected should seek immediate medical attention. This is because erectile dysfunction (and cardiovascular disease) have many commonalities. They are more common with increasing age. High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity increase your risk.

A circulatory disorder can be the cause of both conditions. Erectile dysfunction can often be a sign of a stroke or heart attack. He adds that a malfunction in the inner linings of blood vessels can prevent erection and is often a precursor to vascular diseases.

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Scientists have shown a link between high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. Vascular calcification can have a negative impact on circulation and the heart, as well as impairing blood flow to the penis blood vessels. Konig says, “Individual treatment for high blood pressure is important, but it still causes concern in my experience with male patients.”

The blood pressure-lowering effects of the drugs can cause them to fear that they will have a change in their sexual behavior. It is often the opposite: The cause of erectile dysfunction is the circulatory disorder, and not the active ingredient.

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Studies have shown that antihypertensive drugs do not affect erectile function. Beta-blockers, which inhibit vasodilatation and have antihypertensive effects, can cause erectile dysfunction. The Bremen cardiologist says that beta-blockers can cause erectile dysfunction, but only slightly. The effects of diuretics, drugs that have a diuretic effect and also lower blood pressure, are not well-studied.

After twelve months, a significant decline in blood pressure was evident. However, Konig states that this was not the case after 24 months. Clinical studies have not confirmed the existence of calcium antagonists like Amlodipin. ACE inhibitors like ramipril showed a greater positive effect. They reduce blood pressure and relax blood vessels, which promotes erectile functions.

Erhard Konig recommends that you take positive steps to reduce the risk of developing vascular disease and high blood pressure. Walking, moderate alcohol intake, and a healthy diet can help keep blood vessels healthy. This can also prevent erectile dysfunction.

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